Thursday, November 26, 2015

Emotional Shapes

I was bored one day and just made random shapes with expressions. Let me know what you guys think.

Coloured Drawings

After doing a small job for an animation studio It got me thinking. I haven't done a lot of coloured drawings on Illustrator. I thought I ease my way by working on a couple of sketches I had on my sketch book. I'll probably post more soon, only with less of characters looking sad.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Fire Green Poses

If you've seen my post on another group of poses on a character called Lady Pink, this is something similar. I had an idea on a group of characters who are tokusatsu themed. Let me know what you think and I'll post more poses on this and other characters relating to this small idea.

Another Batch of Facial Expressions

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. Been a bit busy with animation tests and doing small art jobs for people and companies. I've got some free time and I made a few more face expressions on a few characters I made during the last few months. Not sure why I'm drawing more of these characters. it's probably for a short film idea I have at the moment. Let me know what you think of these drawings.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Demo-reel 2015

Hey everyone. I had a fun time at the Ottawa International Animation Festival last week and for those who have heard I got a new demo-reel finished to show to all the animation studios that came to the festival. For anyone who wants to see it, just click the link blow. Enjoy!

More facial Expressions

Thursday, September 17, 2015

facial expressions: in other styles

I thought I try different styles while working out multiple expressions. Let me know what you think.

Lady Pink poses

These are a few poses of a character I made a year ago. Has gone through a few changes over the years, but I think these poses turned out okay.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Rough Moon Sketch

This was a sketch idea for a web comic series I'm thinking of working on later on. This is the first sketch so there's going to be a lot of changes like the nose and the cigar for example. I don't promote smoking I thought the cigar looked cool at the time. A much better version will be up soon.

Bee character - From Sketch to Coloured Finished

Facial sketch drawing #3

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Demo-Reel 2015 animation clip 1

Animation clip 1

Working hard on my new demo-reel which will come out later this summer. Here is a small clip using the program Harmony to animate a  cartoon head using a sound clip from the Simpsons. Click on the link above and let me know what you think.